Award: Premio Dardos

This is so overdue. We have been recognized and honored to be nominated for a number of awards. To be honest, I’ve seen so many beautiful and well thought out acceptance blogs, it’s a bit intimidating. But what a blessing when I’ve read the acceptance blog by Jodee Sterm of Reverent Devotion.

So what’s the deal with this whole blogging award thing? It may seem insignificant for some, but there is something special about being recognized by another blogger for your efforts and capturing the heart of your blog. I am going to take a tip from Lula Harp, who was also nominated for a number of awards. She decided to modify the rules in order to manage the process!

Now to recognize each person who nominated me, to nominate others and a little about this award:


Premio Dardos means “Prize Darts” in Spanish, and represents cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values that are transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. WOW, what an honor for a well-respected and very popular blogger, Vibrant Anand of Blabberwockying to nominate me for this award (as well as a few more….)  Visit his blog to see some of the most beautiful posts that touch on all aspects of life with some of the most vibrant pictures I’ve ever seen!

If I have nominated you, follow these three rules to accept:

1. Include the Premio Dardos Award image.
2. Mention the blog that nominated you and add a link to it.
3. Nominate 15 blogs that you consider worthy of this acknowledgment and the reason you nominated them. (I’m going to nominate 5 for each award to make this work….I hope!)

These are five bloggers I have connected with on some level. Their versatility represented in their cultural, ethical, literary and personal values that come out in their creative and original writing have been inspirational to me. And if you decline this nomination, it is OK! I understand. In fact, one person I wanted to nominate has an “Award Free” icon on her blog to let us know, she’s not into this. Not everyone is….but we’ve decided to play it forward and participate!

  • Kathy Simmons of Shangri-La.  This wife and mom of two boys and a toy fox terrier is an amazing photographer. She blogs about every topic imaginable. With humor and love!
  • Bob Ramsak of Piran Café. Bob is a professional, so not sure if he will be interested in this award. He’s a reporter, photographer, digital nomad and blogger driven by a lust for travel, art, culture and justice. He’s visited 54 countries and writes something and takes pictures every day.
  • Travel Magnolia – She loves to travel, eat and take photos, although she says not always in that order! She has traveled to 47 countries. She is an amazing photographer and shares her reviews about restaurants, lodging, and sightseeing recommendation!
  • Hums of Sum – Is there anything she can’t blog about! I love younger bloggers and she is an artistically inclined edgy engineer in her early twenties that often ponders about questions on human nature and the meaning of life.
  • Elihu’s Corner – Elihu is a Hebrew name that means “My God is He.”  He is a follower of Christ and writes these things to proclaim God’s power and majesty. Thousands of years ago, a young man named Elihu listened as older men spoke and misspoke about God and His purpose. Elihu, being younger, held his tongue. Finally, he could not restrain himself any longer. He felt compelled to proclaim the awesome, unfathomable nature of God.

Congratulations on capturing our attention and sharing your hearts! We connect with others of faith, those  travel bloggers who share our wanderlust, photographers who love to capture life digitally, and just plain creative individuals who share their lives.

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us. ~ Augustine


12 thoughts on “Award: Premio Dardos

  1. Although I don’t partake in these awards anymore, I always enjoy when other bloggers do. I usually learn a little something about the blogger and am introduced to other wonderful blogs. It’s a fun way to connect.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Initially I was not accepting them on our travel blog….but then we had an unexpected month off the road coupled with this new dynamic group of bloggers I fell into during a blogging course. It’s opened my eyes some on how to be a better blogger. Now to get back on the road….but it’s just not going to happen the way we initially planned it. These grand babies are going to consume us! We’re going to spend a month in Myrtle beach then back to them….so the TumbleLees may need to change our name to the GrandLees….grandparents first!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much Debbie for the nomination, it’s VERY much appreciated. Unfortunately I can’t make the time these days to participate as I should — but as Ingrid mentioned it is a great opportunity to find and connect with other blogs and bloggers. Looking forward to keeping up with your travels.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you SO much my sweet sister for all of your encouraging words, they mean more than you can know. May God’s blessings and favor be with you in all your endeavors.
    Much love & many hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations Debbie 🙂

    And thanks for all the kind words you have said there for my blog 🙂

    I feel you don’t generate ping-back yet. I hope you will learn that soon as it helps a lot of your readers and blogger friends. To generate ping back–instead of giving link to the home-page of your nominees/nominator you give link for any post in particular!

    I hope you are enjoying the Friday!

    Have a lovely weekend 🙂

    Love and light ❤

    Anand 🙂


  5. […] but then he went on to offer a few more awards. He nominated us for the Creative Blogger Award, the Premio Dardos Award and the Versatile Blogger.  And then the Infinity Dreams Award is so beautiful. See the […]


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